{{{ Optimization hinders evolution }}} [http://www.cs.yale.edu/homes/perlis-alan/quotes.html Alan Perlis], lots of good stuff here. ---- {{{ I don't exactly know what you don't know. }}} a moment of zen {{{ In the fog you wear rose colored glasses. }}} a prescription, not an aphorism. {{{ I'm not a wildlife manager. I eat wildlife, that's about it. }}} {{{ It doesn't have to be a normal-ish distribution, it can be any kind of 'ish' you want. }}} ---- {{{ I'm sick and tired of reading idiotic papers. }}} {{{ You have more statistics than data. }}} related to the previous. ---- {{{ It's great because it adds complexity but it's bad because it adds complexity. }}} too true... ---- {{{ You can only evaporate water if it's actually there. }}} ---- {{{ Transience is the permanent state. }}} Your Honor, I _object_! ---- {{{ It's predictable, it's just stochastic! }}} .. .. So... .. .. it's not predictable? {{{ You can't expect drift to do anything, it's completely random. }}} ---- {{{ ...and I'm all about brute force... That's why god made computers. }}} {{{ Lets call this one 'b'... just to make it different.. for the moment... }}} introducing time-dependent, mutable variable naming, just to keep us on our toes. ---- {{{ Pattern doesn't equal process. }}} ---- {{{ Go with feasible. }}} contestant for most boring corporate slogan? Also just good advice all around. ---- {{{ Effective management gets trumped by "what can I get away with with the public?" }}} ---- {{{ Natural selection is in your face. }}} ''unattributed'', 10.22.14, This really wants to be punctuated like this "..in your face!", but it was really as above. ---- {{{ Everyone wants an -omics now. }}} I nominate: 'hicker-omics' ---- {{{ That didn't work, it just made a mess. }}} {{{ We didn't sort this out until we started looking at duck poop. }}} how many times do you get to hear that in a lifetime? ---- {{{ You can make inference about things you can't observe. }}} suggested definition for magic ---- {{{ There's a rainforest of bacteria in your gut. }}} 'gutforest' doesn't sound as catchy? ---- {{{ We don't have any data from the future. }}} a reason why we need the models. and also a future research project: gather data from the future! ---- {{{ You don't have to know things that are usually not knowable. }}} {{{ One of the things continuous time models rely on is continuous time. }}} ---- {{{ It is truly a Borgesian smorgasbord of body plans. }}} ''io'', 11.26.14, recording for posterity on the internet the first occurrence of this little gem. It seems so obvious yet it doesn't show up in google, therefore it didn't exist until now.