== Summer Schools (weeks long) == Gotta add more and update links, short descriptions stuff like that * SFI Complexity Summer School thinger * Univ WA Statistical Genetics Summer School * [http://treethinkers.org/ Bodega Bay workshop in applied phylogenetics] * Held in spring in at UC Davis. * [http://www.medicine.mcgill.ca/physio/khadralab//public_html/summer.html The Joint 2015 CAMBAM-MBI-NIMBioS Summer School] -- NONLINEAR DYNAMICS IN BIOLOGICAL SYSTEMS -- * [http://www.medicine.mcgill.ca/physio/khadralab//public_html/website/programme.html 2015 Programme] - June 1-12 * [http://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=5284 East Asia and Pacific Summer Institutes for U.S. Graduate Students (EAPSI)] * More open ended, an NSF grant. Applicants must propose a location, host scientist, and research project that is appropriate for the host site and duration of the international visit. * Deadline is mid november == Workshops/Meetings == Normally smaller (<50 people), semi-annual or offered irregularly, 1-3 day events, more hands on * [http://meetings.cshl.edu/courses/2014/tgac14.shtml Cold Spring Harbor Workshops] * [http://meetings.cshl.edu/meetings.html Cold Spring Harbor Meetings] * [http://life.mcmaster.ca/cgi-bin/my_wrap/brian/evoldir/Conferences/ EvolDir Conferences page] * [http://life.mcmaster.ca/cgi-bin/my_wrap/brian/evoldir/WorkshopsCourses/ EvolDir Workshops page] * [http://www.nimbios.org/ National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis] * Sign up for their newsletter because they have cool workshops and opportunities all the time. * [http://www.samsi.info/ Statistical and Applied Mathematical Sciences Institute] - Same here, often have cool workshops. == Annual conferences == * [http://www.sicb.org/meetings/2015/index.php Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology] * Lots of "wet" biology, morphology, functional anatomy, etc, etc, but they do have some phylogenetic/geographic/genomic stuff too. * [http://www.lirmm.fr/mceb2015/ Mathematical and Computational Evolutionary Biology] * Annual conference held in france. The website has links to previous years programs with lots of slides from presentations, good place to just go look around. * [http://www.biologie.ens.fr/mmee2015/ Mathematical Models in Ecology and Evolution] - Paris (France)