Changes between Version 10 and Version 11 of UWSummerStatsWorkshop

Jul 22, 2015, 12:46:33 PM (9 years ago)



  • UWSummerStatsWorkshop

    v10 v11  
    9595  * "Pseudo-Gibbs sampler" 
    9696 * Stronger modelling assumptions tend to underestimate uncertainty. 
     97* Wednesday AM 
     98 * Bayesian Model Choice 
     99  * Posterior odds = Prior odds x Bayes Factor 
     100   * Posterior odds: ratio of posterior probabilities of model given data 
     101   * Prior odds: ratio of probability of the models 
     102   * Bayes factor: likelihood of model 1 over model 2 (data given the model) 
     103  * Bayes factor ("marginal likelihood"), isolate the model from the data, and see how prior assumptions on the model will change the results. 
     104  * Bayes factor does not rely on prior odds, which is why people use it. Interpreted in light of prior odds. Interpretation depends on context, and on prior odds. 
     105  * If you collect enough data the posterior odds will converge toward infinity with probability 1 in favor of the true model. 
     106 * Sensitivity analysis: Bayes factors can be peculiarly sensitive to the priors in ways you can't expect, so testing different priors could be informative. 
     107 * Model choice: Don't use flat priors on things that are only present in one model 
    97109==== quotes ==== 
    98110* "Out of all the tomorrows we might experience...." 
    99111* "Uncertainty is, intrinsically, personal." 
    100112* "Random draws to mapped calls..." 
     113* "It's very hard to get rational behavior out of a committee." 
     114* "The problem is: How flat matters." 
     115* "How to specify your prior: look into your heart and think about what you know." 
     116* "You're going to be wrong whatever you do. These are cartoons of reality, none of these models are right."