| 83 | * Tuesday PM |
| 84 | * Latent variables could make gibbs sampling easier? |
| 85 | * Haplotyping (Phase) |
| 86 | * Clark's method (search population for common haploytpes |
| 87 | * Id unambiguous individuals, construct known haplotypes, disambiguate unknown haplotypes from combinations of known haplotypes. |
| 88 | * Results may depend on order of observation, frequency is ignored, only matches exact haplotypes, doesn't measure uncertainty |
| 89 | * Bayesian method |
| 90 | * iterate through multiple times |
| 91 | * Use haplotype freq information |
| 92 | * account for uncertainty |
| 93 | * Haplotypes will look similar to ones you've seen before. |
| 94 | * Incorporating recombination is trickier. |
| 95 | * "Pseudo-Gibbs sampler" |