= The light of phylogeography = * ''(Evolution) is a general condition to which all theories, all hypotheses, all systems must bow and which they must satisfy henceforward if they are to be thinkable and true. Evolution is a light which illuminates all facts, a curve that all lines must follow.'' - Teilhard de Chardin (1927) * ''Nothing in Biology Makes Sense Except in the Light of Evolution.'' - Theodosius Dobzhansky (1973) * ''Nothing in evolution makes sense except in the light of phologeny.'' - * ''Nothing in phylogeny makes sense except in the light of phylogeography.'' - = Learning Resources = * PipelineDocs -- Docs for pipelines for doing different stuff * Useful Tools * VisualizationTools * [wiki:StatsAndBayesianIntroDocs Stats] - Fun and accessible docs for learning stats/bayesian/mcmc/all with fun examples. * [wiki:LearningPopGen PopGen] - Lots of links for learning activities and videos about popgen tools and methods. * [wiki:MachineLearning Machine Learning] = Free Stuff (Grants and Funding) = * [http://aws.amazon.com/grants/ Amazon Web Services for research] * Reviewed 4x per year: March 31, June 30, September 30, and December 31 * [wiki:GrantsFellowships - Grants, fellowships, and free $$] = How to be a good grad student: Useful info and docs for new PhD students = * SummerSchools - This list was inspired by Elliot. (gotta add more and update links) * GetInvolved - Ways to participate in community at CUNY, in the field of biology, or in NY. Get Involved! * SocietiesToJoin - Interesting groups to join for fun or profit. * NycLectureSeries - Various meet-ups, colloquia, seminars, and lecture series in the greater NY area * BloggersAndWebsites - Stuff to read when you're bored or looking for inspiration. * [wiki:CUNYSpecificStuff] - CUNY Specific Stuff * [http://www.gc.cuny.edu/CUNY_GC/media/CUNY-Graduate-Center/PDF/Programs/Biology/HANDBOOK-2009-081610.pdf Biology Student Handbook (2009)] * StuffToReadWhenBored - Not that you'll ever be bored, but you should always be reading stuff like this. = Isaac's Projects = * PhylogeographyOfPhylogeographers - Nuf said * [wiki:FunProgrammingStuff Fun Programming Stuff - Papers, languages, tutorials] = Hax = Random fun stuff... * GoodQuotes - A compilation of hilarious stuff people said. * MicroTrolling - Opportunities for fun. * WordList - Just random interesting/useful words. === How to use the wiki === * TracGuide -- Built-in Documentation * TitleIndex -- For a complete list of local wiki pages