
Fellowships / Residencies (months)

Summer Schools (weeks long)

Gotta add more and update links, short descriptions stuff like that

Workshops / Meetings

Normally smaller (<50 people), semi-annual or offered irregularly, 1-3 day events, more hands on

Smaller / Specialized Annual conferences

  • Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology
    • Lots of "wet" biology, morphology, functional anatomy, etc, etc, but they do have some phylogenetic/geographic/genomic stuff too.
  • Mathematical and Computational Evolutionary Biology
    • Annual conference held in france. The website has links to previous years programs with lots of slides from presentations, good place to just go look around.
  • Mathematical Models in Ecology and Evolution - Paris (France)
  • Protolang - Looks insanely cool, not _exactly_ evolution (run by the philosophy dept) but still good stuff
    • Plus it's in Rome, in September
    • Bi-annual (next one is in 2017)
    • "The Protolang conference series creates an interdisciplinary platform for scholarly discussion on the origins of symbolic communication distinctive of human beings. The thematic focus of Protolang is on delineating the genetic, anatomical, neuro-cognitive, socio-cultural, semiotic, symbolic and ecological requirements for evolving (proto)language"

Annual Conferences (Mega)

Probably most people know about these, but putting them on here for completeness.

Last modified 10 years ago Last modified on Jul 14, 2015, 12:37:42 AM